Well, it took 3 versions (CMSF, BNv1 and v2) without the feature at all before they managed to shoe-horn the current (I agree, unsatisfactory) version into v3 (RT). So has BFC actually ever specified some kind of engine limitation or is this just the line the community likes to feed itself?

It is particularly onerous in CMx2 because the load times are horrendous. I always prefered CMx1's option to play WEGO "in game" rather than using the archaic method of email play.
What exactly was changed that makes it do hard to implement true WEGO in TCP? Legitimately curious, because I am having a hard time imagining what sort of crazy code gymnastics must have occurred to make something as simple WEGO without PBEM impossible. It's not the same as the old "both giving orders in parallel" model of the CMx1 engine, and it would take some major architecture engineering to arrange for that to be possible after the decisions taken way back in the development of CMSF.
It ought to be there in the manual it's been an option since the advent of v3 with CMRT, IIRC. You don't get to replay the minute between orders phases, so it's effectively RealTime with an enforced pause every 60 seconds, and the inability to issue orders during any other pause. That scripting precludes random maps (as do taste and good sense ), but means that for scenarios where the forces available are well known to the designer, the AI can do some good things to make for an interesting game. The AI is, IMO, improved over the CMx1 version, since it has a lot of human input, in the AI scripting. Your CMx1 playmates (if you're still in touch) can also DL the demo and you can play the available scenarios head-to-head.
I cannot recommend highly enough that you download the demos and have a look. Playing "1-player turn-based", "2-player hot-seat" or "2- player email" (to use the terms in the actual menu in-game), you get to take as many looks as you want.

With "proper PBEM", you get to watch the playback as often as you like The replay feature isn't available in RealTime, and the "TCP WeGo" implementation in CMx2 is basically realtime play, as I mentioned above. From the sounds of it, the replay feature was also removed, so you get to watch it once and then you have to give your orders So much has improved with the change to x2 that resolving to abandon the franchise entirely because of the lack of old-style TCP WeGo would be a terrible case of throwing several dozen babies out with one pailful of bath water.Īnd if I do all that do I still get a VCR like playback from the original? I loved being able to re-watch the battle from different points, or to re-watch a particularly amazing event. and many a pairing would result in a similar scenario, if only because defense is more often static than attack. For my part, I'd make a purely lousy WeGo TCP player, because I reckon I spend more time than most on each turn, so you'd be finished your orders and twiddling your thumbs. You don't have to be sat there while your opponent scrutinises the results of his orders and ponders his next move. In so many ways, PBEM is more suited to the modern lifestyle. It would be tragic to lose the exemplary fog of war and high fidelity (though obviously not perfect) simulation of combined arms combat in the age of the tank just because you couldn't bring yourself to play ordinary PBEM.

However, I struggle to believe that the given game format was the only thing that appealed. My personal gut feeling, as someone who's information on the matter is solely from synthesis of disparate statements on these boards, is that the old incarnation of WeGo TCP, with replay and simultaneous order entry is dead and buried. There's no confirmed information of whether a "CMx3" is in the pipeline, let alone what features it might incorporate. Is a new improved engine in the works that will support this classic style? If so, I'll be back then. I feel like Don Quixote constantly coming back here over the years in hope of them putting back the one feature I fell in love with years ago.